#asianinspired #summersalad #theamazinggrapefruit
Asian-Inspired Summer Salad
I threw this together rather haphazardly yesterday (was too hungry to stop and think) and it turned out to be a total gem. Super quick and easy, packed with greens and refreshingly delicious. The key to the dressing is the grapefruit juice, which is tart and tangy with an underlying sweetness. The health benefits of grapefruits are positively overwhelming too, and include:
appetite suppressant
flu remedy
fatigue remedy
digestion aid
regulation of sugar levels in diabetics
prevention of excess acidity in the body
relief for excess flatulence
relief from insomnia
rich in vitamins C, A, B1 and B6
rich in minerals potassium, calcium, magnesium and copper
Step 1 - Combine the following ingredients:
Juice of 1/3 grapefruit
Splash of coconut vinegar
Pinch of mustard
Salt and pepper
Step 2 - Slowly whisk in ½ cup of any neutral-tasting oil. I used expeller-pressed organic grapeseed oil, but you could also use flaxseed. Tip: When making an emulsification (e.g. salad dressing) try to ensure that all your ingredients are at the same temperature – it makes the task in hand (#literally #whatapun #boom) easier.
Step 3 - Serve with mixed greens, sugar snaps, avocado, strawberries, grapefruit segments and some chopped almonds.